Wow, So I've already been here for two whole days, and my how the time has flown. It might sound cliche, but I am 100% convinced that we will look back on this time, of still being in what Jean calls "chamber of commerce mode", just taking it in, only really focused on the positive, and we will miss it. When everything isn't fresh and new and exciting, it will be more of a challenge. Anyway, as far as the last two days are concerned, both of our mornings mainly consisted of going to meetings and getting an idea of the way things run here for staff, from the way we check-in teams, to how we go about participating in the restoration, not only of the Gulf Coast, but of ourselves, each other and the teams and homeowners with whom we interact. We've had some free time to go to WalMart and get those forgotten supplies, or to head down to the beach for a quick swim, or deplete the value of our Mockingbird Cafe gift cards. The interns have really bonded already as a group, which is good because we are going to soon be split up into out various departments and will be starting with job-specific training, and we will be thankful for the time we got to spend and the friendships we forged with those with whom we won't be working all day.
Enough about all this talk of the future, we did some real work today! In the midst of re-arranging the Lagniappe apparel stockpiles, we cleaned out all of the stuff stored away on top of the offices and the lounge. After uncovering Jean's half rat-eaten library of books, a few mounted deer heads and stuffed turkey, we were sweaty and covered in dust and rat poo, and we took some time off for beach, naps, or fixing bicycles... wondering which one I chose, eh? Well, I actually did end up at the beach for a little while with one of the volunteers, Wolfgang, who is actually from Bavaria, and we had a nice chat about all manner of things,in German, of course^^ It was nice to speak some German again in a non-academic environment. He shared with me that he had come to faith through the writings of Francis Schaeffer, which is compelling me to read some of his stuff, though I don't know when I will get to it. It made me think a lot about the power of words, and the way the expression of truth and conviction in writing can affect people in the deepest ways. That's not something I am hoping for this blog, just something to ponder.